Includes an outline for leading a half day workshop on the results of the questionnaire, and also extensive information on learning styles and how to effectively use knowledge of styles to improve learning in all formats. Also includes copy of participant profile book.
A revised and improved 16-page version of the classic MbM instrument. This 20-item, 15 minute, self-scoring assessment from leadership authority Marshall Sashkin uncovers your motivations, teaching you to use natural instead of external motivators with direct reports.
24 page Trainer's Guide containing lesson designs, background research, and norms underpinning the MBM questionnaire to lead a half day or full day motivation workshop. Includes 1 sample copy of the Participant Booklet.
Order one per trainer. Includes the Matrix Manager Inventory Facilitator Guide, sample online report, print self-assessment, and participant workbook, plus downloadable facilitator support materials.
Online Assessment Option: Order One Per Participant.
The online assessment is administered to participants through the online portal (which you will be sent access to) and includes personalised reporting, full-colour charts, interpretive information, worksheets, and action planning. A detailed report is delivered electronically to the facilitator/administrator when complete. The trainer can control if the participant can access their report.
You will receive the assessment link/info via a separate email.
Designed to help both new and seasoned managers acquire and develop the ability to be flexible. The 40-item self-assessment is available in both paper and online formats. Order one assessment and workbook per learner. ALSO ONLINE*.
Designed to help both new and seasoned managers acquire and develop the ability to be flexible.
Everyone negotiates! This Instrument identifies the benefits of using a particular style and helps clarify the link between behaviour and its consequences. It also gives suggestions on ways to use each style preference. ALSO ONLINE*.
his guide contains useful explanations and discussion ideas for anyone making a presentation or conducting a workshop. Everything needed to deliver a half day workshop; interpreting results and leading skill-building exercises on the best use of each negotiation style.
ORAM seeks to help managers and organisations determine why managers use or do not use recognition when managing their employees.
A 16-item assessment based on four behaviour patterns or 'psychological types' identified by Carl Jung. Illustrates each of these benefits and indicates how you can take advantage of each of them.