Organizational Recognition Assessment for Managers


Category: Assessments
Code: 4471

ORAM seeks to help managers and organisations determine why managers use or do not use recognition when managing their employees.

Organizational Recognition Assessment for Managers:

Studies show that recognising employees for their good work is one of the most effective ways to motivate them. So why don’t more managers say “thank you” or give praise?

This assessment measures beliefs and expectations, past and current experiences, and organisational variables that influence your managers’ use of recognition.

It will help your organisation clarify why your managers use or don’t use recognition and help your managers better understand their strengths and weaknesses in this often-overlooked area.

The 54-statement, self-scoring assessment provides feedback in six dimensions that have a significant influence on why managers use or don’t use recognition:

• Impact on performance (IP)

• Beliefs about recognition (BR)

• Ability to do recognition (AR)

• Passion for recognition (PR)

• Organisational support for recognition (OS)

• Organisational context for recognition (OC)

Includes examples and exercises for applying the information in the real world to motivate employees, increase their performance, provide practical feedback, make it easier for them to get the work done—and build a more positive and productive work environment.

Attribute name Attribute value
FORMAT Instrument
AUTHOR Bob Nelson, Ph.D