Personal Style Assessment Jung-Parry Form



Category: Assessments
Code: 8215

A 16-item assessment based on four behaviour patterns or 'psychological types' identified by Carl Jung. Illustrates each of these benefits and indicates how you can take advantage of each of them.

Four Behaviour Patterns

This 16-item assessment is based on four behaviour patterns or “psychological types” identified by Carl Jung in his 1920 book, Psychological Types. He set forth a theory of personality that identified four behaviour patterns that each of us possesses to varying degrees:

• Sensor
• Intuitor
• Thinker
• Feeler.

These strongly influence how we communicate, how we are perceived, how we approach decisions and problems- in short, how we behave. Using these four behaviour patterns the participant will learn the relative strength of each. The Personal Style Assessment measures the style of communication and personality, and describes the implications and consequences of each.

No one style is better or worse than the others, and all four styles are present in each of us. Some people have a 'strong suit' and use it to their advantage; others find their predominant style to be a liability. Still others have a fairly even balance over the four styles, and can meet people on their own wavelengths with relative ease. The issue, then, is not what what our profile is, but rather that we know it and use it to best advantage.

Jung-Parry Form Interpretation

Building on Jung's work, Scott Parry created the Personal Style Assessment (PSA) as a means of giving insights into the meaning of the four psychological types and the uses to which these insights can be put. There are three major implications of the scores on this assessment- three benefits that await you:

1. Increased awareness of how others view you and react to you;

2. Improved ability to 'flex' your style to meet others on their wavelengths;

3. Better teamwork by drawing on one another's strengths.

This assessment illustrates each of these benefits and indicates how you can take advantage of each of them.

Attribute name Attribute value
FORMAT Self-assessment
AUTHOR Training House