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Leader Manager Profile Feedback Booklet

Use the companion Feedback Booklet to provide your managers with 360 degree feedback. Feedback scores from associates provide a side-by-side comparison.


Leader Manager Profile Participant Guide

Introducing the Leader-Manager Profile by James P. Eicher. HRDQ’s Leader-Manager Profile will enable both your managers and your organisation to achieve success. This 36-item assessment, based on the works of several well-known management experts, illustrates for managers how their competence as both a manager and a leader can contribute to meeting the demands of the marketplace.


Leadership Effectiveness Profile

This assessment focuses on the eight most-often-cited behaviours or attitudes. ALSO ONLINE*.


Leadership Effectiveness Profile Facilitators Guide

This guide provides an entire feedback workshop that covers each of the eight competencies in detail, as well as coaching tips for each of the 96 individual questions. Includes 1 copy of the Participant Workbook.


Leadership Effectiveness Workshop Facilitators Guide

Helps an organisation to develop the leadership skills of its workforce. Can be used as part of the overall employee training, or to develop those individuals who have strong leadership ability so that they can move into positions of greater responsibility. Includes one Participant Workbook.
£129.42 excl VAT

Leadership Effectiveness Workshop Participant Workbook

Teaches your participants the eight qualities that the world's finest leaders possess


Leadership Practices Inventory Observer Form

The 30-item observer assessment associated with the Leadership Practices Inventory. Provides any leader, from executive to frontline manager, with objective 360-degree feedback on the thoroughly researched leadership behaviours behind the inventory. Requires the LPI Facilitator Guide for scoring.


Leadership Practices Inventory Participant Form

The 30-item self assessment associated with the LPI 5th Edition product suite. Requires the LPI Facilitator Guide for scoring.


Leadership Practices Inventory Planner

Designed for leaders who have received feedback using our Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI) and have begun a process of acting on that feedback.

Leadership Practices Inventory Workbook

10 Steps to Understanding and Using Your LPI Feedback

Learning Style Questionnaire Leaders Guide

Facilitator Guide to accompany the Learning Style Questionnaire


Learning Styles Profile

This 40-item profile will help every learner understand more about how they learn best and which teaching style is most effective. ALSO ONLINE*.
