Flexible/Remote Working

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InDependence - Make flexible working work! Participant Workbook

Workbook: Order One Per Participant

A self-managed learning tool. At the heart of the 47 page Workbook is the competency-based 7 skills profile and a 35 item self-assessment. The user is guided systematically through 7 personal learning and development steps and gets involved in a very hands-on way.

The Workbook can be used:

  • By an individual working alone
  • By involving their manager and/or a ‘buddy’
  • As the key resource in the InDependence Group Workshop
  • As part of a team-building exercise.
£16.45 £8.23

InDependence - Make flexible working work!

Massive 50% discount!

Make Flexible Working work!

Whether it’s home–based, mobile, remote,  job sharing, flexitime or part-time working... flexible working requires specific skills!

Flexible workers need to be especially skilled at motivating and managing themselves, as well as managing their interactions with team members, managers, other departments and of course customers. These skills apply equally to those  who are office-based and work  in an environment where flexible working is in place.

The 7 skills focused on in this Skills Builder are not new but in the world of flexible working they need special attention and to be used thoughtfully. They can all be developed and learnt. Spending time improving and polishing them will  enhance productivity and increase job satisfaction, well-being and morale.

From £8.23 excl VAT