Sell better! Sell More!

What makes one salesperson successful and another unsuccessful?

Popular books target characteristics such as ambition, initiative, self-confidence, tact... the list goes on. The common thread? Personality! Whether or not salespeople are aware of it, their personality shines through every interaction.

What’s My Selling Style helps individuals analyse how they typically behave in a sales situation, identify their customers’ styles, and learn how to adjust their own style to match their customer. With increased awareness and flexibility, salespeople can use style to maximise sales and rise above the competition.

Picture of What's My Selling Style? Facilitator Set

What's My Selling Style? Facilitator Set


Deluxe Facilitator Guide: Order One Guide Per Trainer.

The comprehensive Facilitator Guide includes everything trainers need to deliver What's My Selling Style, including background information, administrative guidelines, a step-by-step workshop outline, the HRDQ Style Model, alternative workshop designs, optional activities, Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, sample assessment materials, and the Personality Style for Dummies book plus for a limited time, the  Personality Style @ Work hardback book. Facilitator support materials will be emailed to you as a digital download link following order despatch.

Code: 816FG
Picture of What's My Selling Style? Participant Guide

What's My Selling Style? Participant Guide


Paper Assessment: Order One Per Participant.

The print version is ideal for facilitators who prefer to oversee scoring and administration of the assessment if you don't know who the participants will be before the class begins, or if your learners do not have easy access to computers. It includes pressure-sensitive forms for scoring to aid manual tabulation, and includes interpretive information, worksheets, and action planning.

Code: 816
Picture of What's My Selling Style? Online Credit

What's My Selling Style? Online Credit


Online Assessment Option: Order One Per Participant.

The online assessment is administered to participants through the online portal (which you will be sent access to) and includes personalised reporting, full-colour charts, interpretive information, worksheets, and action planning. A detailed report is delivered electronically to the facilitator/administrator when complete. The trainer can control if the participant can access their report.

You will receive the assessment link/info via a separate email.

Code: CR816