Gathering and Using Information


Category: Assessments
Code: 4499

This assessment provides insight into how you gather and use information.

Examine and improve the ability to process information

Experience and research have shown that individuals structure their work in different ways, doing so both when structuring their own personal activities, as well as in group scenarios. Each person brings their own personal history and behaviour patterns to these processes. Gathering and Using Information explores behaviour used while processing information at work.

For example, to follow established models for doing things — or create means for new ones? Action-oriented when solving problems — or drawn to conceptual solutions and approaches?

By completing the profile, you’ll gain fresh insights into working with information on the job and guidelines for expanding your skills at handling information personally and when working with others.

The profile focuses on five behaviour areas:

• The kinds of things attention is paid to

• Use of perceptions and ideas to develop something new

• Applying perceptions and ideas to problems and issues

• Determining what is true and construct new knowledge

• The social context in which perceptions and ideas are used.

The action steps at the end of the workbook will clarify the leader’s 'next step'.

Attribute name Attribute value
FORMAT Assessment
AUTHOR Roelf Woldring