

Code: 4004

Understand the style expectations of your job responsibility and your work position. Determine job-style compatibility, improve performance, intentionally build on a team's strengths, and plan your career to increase your personal fulfillment. ALSO ONLINE*.

Complementing the PSI is the Job Style Indicator. The JSIprovides a graphic picture of the style requirements of a particular job. It can be completed by managers, post-holders, co-workers and job applicants to specify the behavioural style requirements they perceive are necessary to perform a job successfully.

This analysis can then be used to help match people to jobs, identify and resolve differences in perceptions in the way a job should be carried out, signal specific strengths and difficulties, and determine areas for improvement.

ONLINE VERSION ALSO AVAILABLE (See Related Products below)

* Telephone (01267) 281661 to set up a new online project. Please go to the Online Assessments section of the website for the full range of available Online Assessments.

Attribute name Attribute value
FORMAT Self-scoring instrument
AUDIENCE All organisation members
TIME REQUIRED 1 to 1½ hours
AUTHOR Terry D. Anderson, Ph.D. Ken Keis, M.B.A., with Everett T. Robinson, M.A.