Understanding Yourself and Others
In just 20 minutes participants can complete the INSIGHT Inventory and begin bridging communication gaps that are costing your company a fortune.
The best-selling INSIGHT Inventory has now been updated to include both self and team based interpretative content. The INSIGHT Inventory provides everything you need to evaluate and improve individual and group communication. Each booklet contains a scoring sheet and grid as well as full 16-page interpretive section with activities.
It includes a breakdown of trait preferences and appropriate "flex" points, allowing for quick administration and comprehension of scoring outputs. You'll learn:
• About your personality strengths
• How to flex your style to communicate better
• Strategies for working more productively on teams
• Many additional ways to increase your personal effectiveness.
INSIGHT Inventory is fun, easy to use, powerful, and a perfect instrument for improving individual and team communication and productivity.
Key Benefits
• Irreconcilable differences suddenly seem understandable and productively bridged.
• Teach participants the ability to “flex” or adapt their style to the situation.
• Unlike DISC or MBTI, INSIGHT does not force a label or type designation on you.
• INSIGHT can facilitate virtually any training initiative by exposing root behavioural influences at the most basic level — in only 20 minutes!
Key Features
• Participants can complete and self score the questionnaire in just 20 minutes.
• Provides both work style and personal style profiles to highlight ones ability to flex their styles according to the environment.
• Skill building focuses on learning to adapt your own communication style to others with different styles.
• Comprehensive Trainers Guide details the instrument’s psychometric properties and provides extensive training application outlines for use in conflict management, stress management, customer service, and leadership.
INSIGHT Inventory has a fast paced approach in an uncomplicated format which can make it the centrepiece of a training programme or easy to integrate into an existing curriculum. Easy to use, participants will see results quickly. INSIGHT moves quickly from developing a profile to applying the learning. INSIGHT allows participants to develop a profile and apply what they have learned.
Consultants and trainers alike appreciate the INSIGHT Inventory’s ease of use and skill building designed to produce results — in a quality psychometric instrument.
INSIGHT can be used for:
• Team-building
• Conflict and stress management
• Leadership Training
• Interpersonal skills, sales and customer service
• Negotiation skills training.