Communication Response Style



Category: Assessments
Code: 8216

20-item self-assessment that identifies a person's relative strength in each of four response modes - critical, advising, emphatic, and searching.

The Communication Response Style  assessment identifies a person’s relative strength in each of four response modes;

• Critical Response

• Advising Response

• Empathic Response

• Searching Response.

A series of statements that someone at work might make are presented. Beside each statement are four responses. Assigning points to the different responses helps define your personal communication style. A decription of each of the four response styles is included so your scores to each style can be better understood. From these responses you are then able to formulate a Plan of Action.

Interpretation - The need for awareness

A vital ingredient of effective communication is being aware of the power you have to affect how the other person will respond to you. The more effectively you listen and respond to others, the more they become aware of your responsiveness. As a result, they are more likely to repond positively when your turn comes to talk. In short, your response style serves as a model for those you communicate with, and is likely to influence their response style when it's their turn to listen.

Attribute name Attribute value
FORMAT Assessment
AUTHOR Training House