What's My Time Style? Theoretical Background


Code: 307 Background

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This report includes detailed information about the specific methods and research used to develop and test What's My Time Style?

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What’s My Time Style? is a simple 21-item assessment, helps participants to identify individual time management styles and make their styles work for them rather than against them.

Participants respond to pairs of adjectives, using a pressure-sensitive form. After scoring is complete, easy-to-read charts allow respondents to quickly scan the strengths and trouble spots that characterise their particular time management styles.

Learning Outcomes

• Identify preference for one of four time management styles

• Learn how to capitalise on strengths and overcome the trouble spots of their styles

• Learn how to interact effectively with other styles

Uses for What’s My Time Style?

What’s My Time Style? is ideal for training anyone who wants to learn more about his or her time management style. It makes an effective component in various training programmes for a variety of topics, including:

• Facilitating

• Leading Meetings

• Team/Project Management

Participant Guide includes:

• 21-item assessment

• Instructions

• Pressure-sensitive Response Form

• Interpretive information

• Charts depicting style strengths and trouble spots

• Action planning worksheet.

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FORMAT Download
AUTHOR HRDQ Research & Development Team