Jonico Window - Self



Category: Assessments
Code: 4320

Effective, results driven delegation

Delegating effectively is an increasingly important skill in today’s working environment. The Jonico Window is a clear and powerful tool for increasing understanding & awareness of how to use delegation and empowerment. As with much else our own style affects how we use those skills, Jonico increases the participants awareness of the impact of their own approach.

The proven tool for everybody who wants to delegate effectively for results.

A tool to improve delegation and empowerment skills

The Jonico Window is a clear and powerful tool for increasing a manager’s awareness of how to use delegation and empowerment skills. The Jonico Window is the result of extensive research and is designed for leaders of all kinds of teams. It provides guidance on how key skills can be used for developing both the manager and the individuals he/she manages.

The 48-page Participant Workbook contains the self-scoring Jonico Questionnaire and extensive interpretative notes to help participants become aware of their own styles. Participants learn that delegation and empowerment are vital skills for building effective teams in any organisational context.

Context of the Questionnaire

Delegation and empowerment are two key skills for any manager who wishes to maximise the performance of capable subordinates. These skills are at the heart of good supervisory leadership. When answered accurately, the Jonico Self will give you an assessment of your approach to the delegation and empowerment of the people you lead. In responding to these statements, assume that you are dealing with capable people who have the competence and commitment to do their work.

Leading as a Coaching Enabler

This handbook will help you increase your skill in delegation and empowerment—optimising the development and motivation of your people.

It makes use of the Jonico™ Window as a device to:

(i)  illustrate the interdependence of delegation and empowerment

(ii)  provide a framework to encourage their use.

You will be given an opportunity to assess your performance in both delegation and empowerment by using the questionnaire “Leader’s Behaviour (Manager)”.

Relating these scores to the Jonico™ Window will help you to recognise and avoid dangerous failings, while encouraging your optimal use of delegation and empowerment as a Coaching Enabler.

Coaching Enablers take a positive view of people, stretching them to reach their full potential. In contrast, Enablers simply make the most of people’s current capability in their current job.

A positive attitude to people is reflected in the following statements:

1.  People at work should be treated with respect and managed in a way that helps them give their best
2.  People at work have the capacity to grow and should be given opportunities to develop
3.  By and large, people at work are competent to do their job and are reasonably committed to performing well.

If you agree, you are ready to become a Coaching Enabler—getting the best from people and helping them develop their full potential.

Jonico Window-Self Selected Contents

Leading as a Coaching Enabler
The Manager as Leader
Delegation and Empowerment
Sound Practice for Delegation
Delegation Process: Basic Flowchart
Objective Setting
The Jonico™ Window
The Four Quadrants of the Jonico™ Window
Expanding the Jonico™ Window
Your Personal Jonico™ Window
Review of Your Personal Window
A Positive Attitude to Delegation and Empowerment
The Delegation Process
The Pygmalion Effect
TDC and How to Avoid It
The Mistrustful Meddler
Two Aberrant Stereotypes
The Delegation Process
Your Personal Profile as a Coaching Enabler
Some Typical Profiles
Developing Yourself as a Coaching Enabler
Correcting a Tendency to be a Mistrustful Meddler
Correcting a Tendency to be a Nervous Delegator
Correcting a Tendency to be a Remote Abdicator
Leading Your Team as a Coaching Enabler.

Attribute name Attribute value
FORMAT Instrument
OBJECTIVE To improve delegation and empowerment skills
AUDIENCE Anyone involved with delegation
TIME REQUIRED 75 minutes
AUTHOR Dr. John Nicholls