Built-in Cultural Adaptability with The Kraybill Conflict Style Inventory
We all experience painful differences with others as a part of every day life. Perhaps more than any other challenge in life, our ability to work out differences with others affects our ability live well and be happy. Yet most of us get little thoughtful guidance from parents and teachers on how to do this. We figure out a few things by trial and error, but we are often confused and hurt by what happens in conflict situations. Style Matters shows users their preferred style of conflict management and provides detailed suggestions for each style.
This exciting new inventory gives specific, practical help for dealing with differences. In a handful of pages, you will get more help than most of us get in a lifetime of learning. The information learned can help you understand confusing situations and make a real difference in the quality of relationships in work, home, school, and community settings.
So how do you respond to conflict?
Most people aren't sure how to answer. It is often easier to describe how others respond than how we ourselves respond. Style Matters gives you a snapshot of yourself.
Why trainers love The Kraybill Conflict Style Inventory
• Style Matters uses a clear ‘five-styles-of-conflict’ framework (the Mouton-Blake Grid) familiar to many trainers. If you have previously worked with other five-style inventories such as the Thomas-Kilmann™ you won’t have to learn a whole new framework
• No forced choice questions!
• Respectful towards users. Honours the strengths of all styles while increasing user awareness of the limits of each and the costs of over-reliance on one style
• Step-by-step Trainer’s Guide makes it easy to plan workshops–call us for more details (No Trainer's Guide to buy! You'll be emailed a free downloadable Trainer's Guide with your first order)
• Crosscultural option (included in all versions but can be ignored in settings where not needed) gives Style Matters a credible feel to people from diverse cultural backgrounds and helps groups talk about cultural differences
• A full page of tips for each style gives clear guidance on how to bring out the best in others
• Great discussion questions at the end of each booklet. Put people in small groups and watch discussions take off with proven starters.