Profile of Leadership Opportunities Assessment



Category: Assessments
Code: 4472

A 60-item self-scoring Assessment Tool for Leaders to identify opportunities to boost employee performance through leadership.

Uncover what enthuses your employees about their workplace, work, associates and leaders. Apply what you learn to build on that enthusiasm, unleash initiative and achieve your organisation's most challenging goals. Profile of Leadership Opportunities Assessment is a 60-item leader questionnaire.

The tool is self-scoring, takes only a few minutes to complete and comes with coaching tips and a simple action plan. This questionnaire helps you look at ten separate leadership domains that can be used to build enthusiasm, unleash initiative, and increase the power of your organisation to achieve its challenging goals. It helps you decide which domains your group is high and low on right now so that you can narrow down your focus to those domains where your leadership can make the greatest difference.

Attribute name Attribute value
FORMAT Instrument
AUDIENCE Leaders, Managers and Supervisors
AUTHOR Alexander Hiam