Influencing Strategies & Styles Profile



Code: 5301

This 52-page self-scoring instrument includes comprehensive interpretative notes to help participants understand their scores and develop influencing strategies by demonstrating how appropriate style matches provide better results.

The revised Influencing Strategies & Styles Profile Participant Activity provides you with information about how you seek to influence others:

• Bystander/Shotgun
• Strategist/Opportunist, or
• Collaborator/Battler.

Understand how each style impacts on other parties in an influencing situation. The participant responds to a list of 42 statements then has to carefully decide the extent to which each description matches what they would actually do in situations where they need to influence others.

Once the Response Form has been completed and scored, the Six Influencing Strategies are discussed and which influencing style is most relevant.

Includes comprehensive interpretative notes to help participants understand their scores and develop influencing strategies by demonstrating how appropriate style matches provide better results.

Revised and Updated

The ISSP has been revised and updated following extensive research to include more finely differentiated scales, scores for influencing styles as well as the use of influencing strategies. The Facilitator Guide now has extra materials to aid interpretation and use.

Increase Influencing Effectiveness

This is an essential tool for anyone whose effectiveness depends on their ability to influence the decisions of others, whether within the organisation or in the sales or negotiation context. By helping participants identify their preferred styles, the ISSP offers them the potential to build on those styles and also to explore other strategies more effective in some circumstances.

Attribute name Attribute value
FORMAT Instrument
OBJECTIVE To identify personal influence styles and strategies
AUDIENCE All organisation members
TIME REQUIRED 1 to 2 hours
AUTHOR Tony Manning