Interpersonal Influence & Communication Skills in the Workplace
Maybe you were born with it. Or maybe it was learned.
How It Works
Do the people in your organisation know how they 'come across' to others?
Presented with 40 statements, individuals choose 1 of 5 responses that they feel is most characteristic of their behaviour, as they perceive it. Each set of statements measures influence style by focusing on the 4 indicators: thoughts, emotions, nonverbal behaviour, and verbal behaviour.
What to order: You will need 1 paper or online assessment per participant. For maximum benefit, purchase 1 Facilitator Guide per trainer.
Uses for the Interpersonal Influence Inventory
The Interpersonal Influence Inventory (III) is a useful instrument for many training purposes. Use it as a stand-alone instrument or as part of a larger training initiative. It’s also helpful as an objective, non-threatening means of diagnosing interpersonal tensions within groups. Other appropriate uses include:
Negotiation: The III can show negotiators the attitudes and behaviours they take to the negotiating session and enlighten them as to how assertive styles of influence can produce win-win results.
Leadership Skills Training: The III can help managers discover how they influence others and how assertive styles of influence can elicit more positive reactions to their visions and engender more productive and satisfied workers.
Communication Skills Training: The III can help workers at all levels become aware of how they communicate with others. It can also show them how assertive behaviour will help get their messages across clearly and directly and improve communication flow in general.
Conflict Resolution: The III is useful in making individuals aware of how they handle conflict and in helping them to learn that conflict can be constructive if it is openly and clearly expressed.
Learning Outcomes
- Identify their preference for one of 4 personal influence styles: Passive, Assertive, Openly Aggressive, or Passively Aggressive
- Learn why assertive behaviour is the one style that always yields positive results
- Understand how other influence styles can hamper interpersonal communication
- Discover the behavioural cues that signal each style.
When an individual employs these sets of behaviours in varying proportions, an influence style is created. Depending on the relative use of each set of behaviours, 1 of 4 influence patterns results.