Communication Effectiveness Profile Online Assessment Credit


Category: Online Assessments
Code: CR6307

Online Assessment: Order One Per Participant.

The online assessment is administered to participants through the online portal (which you will be sent access to) and includes personalised reporting, full-colour charts, interpretive information, worksheets, and action planning. A detailed report is delivered electronically to the facilitator/administrator when complete.

You will receive the assessment link/info via a separate email.

The way we communicate is tied to how we perceive a situation or an issue, and this 'view' is shaped in large part by our values and beliefs. Our upbringing, educational experiences, socio-economic status, religion, and politics—all these things form the basis of our values and beliefs.

We need to understand the 'spin' our values and beliefs are putting on the conversations and interactions we have with others. Some of it might stand in the way of understanding and productive communication.

This questionnaire has been designed as a self-scoring Communication Effectiveness assessment that will help individuals understand more about their skills in this critical area.

What you need to order: You will need 1 Paper or Online assessment per participant. For maximum benefit, purchase 1 Facilitator Guide per trainer.

Research has shown that there are seven factors that contribute to good (or bad) communication

These are categorised as follows:

1 Empathising

Examines the extent to which the participant thinks about the perspectives and feelings of others when communicating with you, and the degree to which they adjust their style to accommodate them.

2 Receiving the Message

Looks at how well the participant listens to and successfully processes what others are saying before responding.

3 Clarifying

Looks at the extent to which the participant uses careful and incisive questioning techniques to successfully translate the words and actions of the other party in order to understand their meaning.

4 Understanding

This section looks at the extent to which the participant makes sense of what they see and hear in order to engage fully in a conversation and respond intelligently.

5 'Reading' Non-Verbal Clues

Examines how much the participant picks up on body language and tone of voice in order to understand the complete communication message.

6 Giving and Receiving Feedback

This section on Feedback looks at the extent the participant is able to successfully offer constructive feedback to others and accept direct feedback from others.

7 Transmitting Your Message

The extent to which the participant uses a range of communication methods and means to get across their message successfully.

These competency areas represent critical skills involved in effective communication. Each area is explained briefly in the paragraph under each respective heading.