Workplace Politics

These performance orientated Workplace Politics products provide Trainers and Coaches with an ability to help people develop ‘Positive’ political practitioner skills so that corporate citizens - and their key stakeholders - can learn how to create happier and healthier organisational cultures, careers and communities of professional practice.

In most organisations ‘Workplace Politics’ is considered a taboo or toxic topic, despite the fact everyone routinely uses mainly ‘Positive’ or ‘Negative’ political behaviours in their daily working practices. Most people do so without ever consciously realising that they’re actually using them!

Given the omnipresent influence ‘Workplace Politics’ has on every aspect of our organisational lives, its continual absence from most corporate training curriculums and competency lists may seem quite unusual. Fortunately however these unique political skills development products can significantly help in closing this often ignored capability gap.

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The Universal Workplace Politics Assessment

Positive workplace politics – Navigating the Maze successfully

This universal online self-assessment will provide you with a personalised assessment to better manage your workplace politics more effectively and have a direct impact in changing workplace culture through the successful navigation of workplace politics.

The route map to positively managing your workplace politics.


The Women’s Workplace Politics Empowerment Programme

Gender inequality creates very real difficulties for many women at work

This unique online self-assessment specifically designed by women, for women. It will provide you with a personalised Navigation profile on what you need to do to better manage your workplace politics. 


The Political Animal Indicator®

A positive way to learn about Workplace Politics The 12 page Political Animal Indicator® provides people with a positive behavioural introduction to, and an honest re-evaluation of, Workplace Politics. It includes a self-reported indication of someone’s current ‘Political Animal’ preferences, together with a way to identify typical political behaviours that can help or hinder people becoming more politically powerful, positive and performance orientated in a current, or future, job role.


The Political Animal Indicator® Facilitator Guidebook

A positive way to help people learn about Workplace Politics The 32 page Political Animal Indicator® Facilitator Guidebook provides Learning & Development professionals with instructions on how to administer, interpret and use The Political Animal Indicator® in large group learning contexts. The Guidebook also explains how L&D professionals can successfully deliver half day ‘Political Animal Workshops’, using a bespoke PowerPoint presentation, to any Organisational audience.


The Political Savvy Profile®

The SMART way to develop a Political Practitioner skill-set The 20 page Political Savvy Profile® booklet (and its accompanying 36 item, easy to administer, carbonated, Political Profiling Questionnaire©), provides people with a self-reported Political Savvy Profile® as part of a 6 Step political skills development process that can help build ‘SMART’ Political Practitioner skill-sets.


The Political Savvy Profile® Facilitator Guidebook

Transform the workplace politics of a whole group, team department or organisation

The 52 page Political Savvy Profile® Facilitator Guidebook provides Trainers, Coaches and Consultants with notes on how to administer, interpret and use The Political Savvy Profile® in Workshop and Coaching contexts. The Guidebook explains how to deliver a ½ day (4 hour) Political Savvy Workshop using a PowerPoint presentation and an Email version of the Questionnaire - to all Organisational audiences.
