The Political Savvy Profile® Facilitator Guidebook


Code: 5214FG

Transform the workplace politics of a whole group, team department or organisation

The 52 page Political Savvy Profile® Facilitator Guidebook provides Trainers, Coaches and Consultants with notes on how to administer, interpret and use The Political Savvy Profile® in Workshop and Coaching contexts. The Guidebook explains how to deliver a ½ day (4 hour) Political Savvy Workshop using a PowerPoint presentation and an Email version of the Questionnaire - to all Organisational audiences.


The Political Savvy Profile® Facilitator Guidebook provides Learning and Development Professionals with a Technical Manual for using The Political Savvy Profile® booklet in both Group and Individual Learning contexts.

The 52 page Political Savvy Profile® Facilitator Guidebook contains 3 instructional Sections:

         Section 1 - Facilitation Notes

         Section 2 - Questionnaire Notes

         Section 3 - Workshop Notes

Section 1 - Facilitation Notes

This Section provides Trainers, Coaches and Consultants with a self-development process that enables them to gain a complete understanding of The Political Savvy Profile® and it’s Questionnaire and how it can be used in different learning contexts.

The section also explains how a Facilitator can Register their Guidebook with The Academy for Political Intelligence, in order to receive a copy of both ‘The Political Savvy Workshop’ PowerPoint presentation plus the Email version of The Political profiling Questionnaire®. Details of advanced Facilitator development training is also included in this Section.

Section 2 - Questionnaire Notes

This Section describes The Political Profile Questionnaire's© administration and scoring processes. It provides a developmental rationale for the 36 Questionnaire questions which can be used to explore someone’s responses to individual questions, should a Facilitator be acting in a Coaching capacity as opposed to a Training delivery role.  This Section also explains how to use the Email version of Questionnaire as a pre-Workshop (time-saving) administration activity.

Section 3 - Workshop Notes

This Section provides Learning and Development Professionals with a comprehensive set of facilitation notes they can use to successfully deliver the ½ day (4 hour)Political Savvy Workshop’ that’s described in the Guidebook, to any Organisational participant experience level.

The Political Savvy Workshop is based on the 6 Step political skills development process described in The Political Savvy Profile® booklet. This experiential and highly interactive Workshop is designed to engage and enthuse Workshop Participants in the organisational ‘politicking’ learning process.

The Political Savvy Workshop delivery Agenda is as follows:

•   Welcome, Admin, Agenda & Context

•   Session 1 : REVEAL- Political Perceptions

•   Session 2 : REGARD- The Political Savvy Framework©

•   Session 3 : RECORD- Political Savvy Profile® Scores

•   Session 4 : READ- Political Savvy Profiles®

•   Session 5 : REVIEW- The ‘SMART’ Political Skill Areas

  • Stakeholdering - The ability to manage diverse stakeholder needs & success measures
  • Morality - The ability to build trusting relationships across the political landscape
  • Alignment - The ability to align your own Goals & Values with those of your Organization
  • Rapport-building - The ability to engage, inspire and work with different stakeholders
  • Tactical-nous - The ability to access information & take difficult decisions to achieve goals

•   Session 6 : WRITE- A Political Savvy Action Plan

•   Key Learning Points, Summary & Workshop Close


The Facilitator Guidebook provides Learning and Development Professionals with a comprehensive Technical Manual for The Political Savvy Profile® booklet. Trainers, Coaches and Consultants can use the Guidebook to help people create happier and healthier political work cultures, careers and communities of practice - with any type of Participant level, in any type of Organisation or Sector.

Attribute name Attribute value
TIME REQUIRED You will need 1 Self-Study Profile per participant. For maximum benefit, purchase 1 Facilitator Guide per trainer.
FORMAT 52 Page, A4, booklet with Registration information to access Downloads
OBJECTIVE To help people develop a positive and purposeful ‘Political Influencing’ skill-set
AUDIENCE Anyone with a minimum of 1 years full time Organisational work experience
TIME REQUIRED 4 hours in a Workshop context, 1 hour in a Coaching or Self-study context
AUTHOR Wayne Thomas, M.A., M.Sc., M.B.A., Ph.D.