Trust - Online Sample Report


Category: Online Assessments
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Trust is a powerful tool for helping facilitators explore the sensitive issue of trust — without arousing defensiveness. There simply is no other product like it available today.

Learning Outcomes

• Identify one’s individual tendency to trust

• Understand the factors that affect the decision to trust

• Discover 4 groups of behaviour that indicate trust

• Learn how to improve one’s trust level.


Based on the elements of trust described by Mayer and others and a review of the research on trust, the evidence of trust in people’s behavior can be distilled into 4 distinct areas. These 4 areas constitute the 4 dimensions measured by the Trust self-assessment:

• Evidence of Lack of Monitoring

• Evidence of Benevolence

• Evidence of Openness

• Evidence of Risk Taking

Trust: The Ultimate Test Participant Guide includes:

• 24-item assessment

• Pressure-sensitive response form

• Scoring charts - NEW!

• Description of the 4 groups of behaviour that indicate trust

• Interpretive information

• Charts for identifying the 6 factors that affect one's decision to trust

• Expanded action planning - NEW!